심리학 책 추천

from 카테고리 없음 2014. 1. 2. 02:38



▷ 심리학개론 - 다니엘 L. 쉑터
▷ 심리학의 오해 - 키이스 E. 스타노비치
▷ 스키너의 심리상자 열기 - 로렌 슬레이터 
▷ 20세기를 빛낸 심리학자 - 최창호
▷ 심리학 통이 되는 책 - 빅펜
▷ 이상심리학 시리즈 - 학지사
▷ 인간과 상징 - 칼 G. 융(외)
▷ 마음 - KBS 다큐멘터리
▷ 데카르트의 오류 - 안토니오 다마지오
▷ 월덴투 - 버러스 F. 스키너
▷ 치료의 선물 - 어빈 D. 얄롬
▷ 죽음의 수용소에서 - 빅터 프랭클
▷ 한낮의 우 - 앤드류 솔로몬
▷ 심리학 입문 - 헨리 글라이트만
▷ 심리학 이야기 - 미나미 히로시
▷ 심리학을 변화시킨 40가지 연구 - 로저 R. 호크
▷ 딥스 - 버지니아 M. 액슬린
▷ 나는 사랑의 처형자가 되기 싫다 - 어빈 D. 얄롬
▷ 아내를 모자로 착각한 남자 - 올리버 색스
▷ 이부영의 융 삼부작 (그림자, 아니마와 아니무스, 자기와 자기실현) - 이부영
▷ 프로이드와 인간의 영혼 - 브루노 베텔하임
▷ 설득의 심리학 - 로버트 치알디니
▷ 종의 기원 - 찰스 다윈
▷ 이기적 유전자 - 리처드 도킨스
▷ 이타적 유전자 - 매트 리들리
▷ 진화의 무지개 - 조안 러프가든
▷ 붉은 여왕 - 매트 리들리


▷ Cast Away - 외로움
▷ Beautiful Mind - 정신분열증
▷ Science of Dream (수면의 과학) - 꿈과 현실의 모호함
▷ 양들의 침묵, 한니발, 레드 드래곤, 한니발 라이징 - 인간의 광기
▷ Das Experiment - 스탠포드 감옥 심리 실험
▷ 12 Angry Men - 설득의 테크닉
▷ 카피캣 - 모방범죄, PTSD로서의 공황장애, 과대망상 
▷ 와쳐스 - 연쇄살인과 프로파일링 
▷ 배트맨, 배트맨 비긴즈 - 어린시절의 트라우마와 성인기의 범죄간의 관계 
▷ 마인드 헌터 - 프로파일러와 그 교육과정 간략 소개
▷ 프라이드 그린 토마토, 가을의 전설, 길버트 그레이프, 처음으로 만나는 자유 - 성장, 성인심리학 관련 영화 
▷ 카드로 만든 집 - 자폐증 
▷ 프라이멀피어 - 다중인격 흉내내기 
▷ 모차르트와 고래 - 아스퍼거스 증후군 (자폐증의 일종)
▷ 샤인 - 정신분열증 (실화 기반)
▷ K-Pax - 정신분열증
▷ 어글리 - 정신분열증, 아동기 트라우마와 아동의 학습장애와 부모의 양육태도의 상관관계
▷ 베티블루 - 경계선 성격장애
▷ 애니홀 - 범불안장애
▷ 아메리칸 뷰티 - 성인 발달 이론
▷ 뽀네뜨 - 아동심리학
▷ 박하사탕 - 트라우마, PTSD의 전형
▷ 하얀전쟁 - PTSD
▷ AI - 인지심리학
▷ 아이, 로봇 - 인지과학 연구에의 동기와 정서의 역할
▷ 매트릭스 - 자아실현과 발달심리, 성인심리학
▷ 아바론 - 현실과 가상의 모호함
▷ 본 아이덴티티 - 기억상실증
▷ 미스터존스 - 조울증
▷ 이보다 더 좋을 순 없다 - 강박장애 
▷ 라쇼몽, 산딸기 - 프로이디안 정신분석
▷ 스파이더 - 정신분열증
▷ 올드보이 - 알콜중독, 반사회적 인격
▷ 뻐꾸기 둥지 위로 날아간 새 - 1970년대 이전의 정신병동 모습을 잘 묘사함 
▷ Number 23 - 강박증

*미국 드라마*

▷ 크리미널 마인드 - 귀납적 프로파일링, 연역적 프로파일링, 면담기법
▷ 인사이드 - 연역적 프로파일링, 트라우마를 역이용 
▷ 덱스터 - 연쇄살인범 
▷ 특수수사대SVU - 사법체계에 대한 진지한 고민


▷ QED - 공학, 수학, 물리학 등 여러 분야의 상식, 현대심리학이 추구하는 방향
▷ 스파이럴 - 심리학의 목적은 인간행동의 예측
▷ 닥터 프로스트 - 개략적인 상담심리학

Career Guidance and Development in the Psychology Field

Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You

Robert J. Sternberg has written one of the better guidance books in relevance to psychology. You need to get this book and dissect its matter before you affirm your decisions on your own career path in this field. The book covers almost everything there is to the fourteen branches in psychology, giving you a proper idea of what it is to be a major in a particular branch.

Invitation to Psychology

Written by Carole Wade and Carol Tavris, the book is the perfect introduction to the world of psychology. The book has the right blend of perceptive explanation and real life situational examples. The book covers most of the specialties in a very reader-friendly and active manner, compelling the reader to keep thinking about the whole process. Invitation to Psychology will probably be a textbook to students and a definite must-have for a formal introduction to the field.

Pioneers of Psychology

Written by Raymond E. Fancher, Pioneers of Psychology remains one of the best and most extensive books that anyone should read. It contains historical records of all the greatest minds in the field like Freud, Skinner and Darwin. In fact, the book should probably be featured in your curriculum already. If it isn't, suggest that it should be and start reading it anyway.

Expanding Your Thoughts as a Psychologist

An Interpretation of Dreams

Dr. Sigmund Freud is the creator of the branch of psychoanalysis. He is one of the first and greatest minds in the field. This book is the first one on dream fulfillment and interpretations of them. The book is filled with all his work regarding dreams along with multiple illustrations, showing us his concept of "dream-fulfillment", the mechanisms of repressing thoughts and how they affect our dreams.

On Becoming a Person

Carl Rogers is the leading psychologists in humanistic mental assessment. Before one becomes entitled to reading a person's thought patterns and diagnose problems, he/she must be acquainted to all the possible approaches to the patient's mind. Carl Rogers provides one such angle. The book portrays a "self-recovery" direction for a better, positive psychological growth of the patient.

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem includes an entire life's worth of studies by Nathaniel Branden, a top psychotherapist in the branch of humanistic assessment of self-esteem issues. As a future psychologist, it is essential to learn about the importance of self-esteem in a person's life and how to build it day-by-day. The book itself is easy to figure and basically gives a step by step pattern on the things a patient can do to grow his/her self-esteem.

Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/must-have-psychology-books-for-beginners.html

While your psychology classes already have required reading lists, there are a number of great psychology books that can supplement your studies. From guides to help you succeed in school to reviews of the history of psychology, the following books are some of the best choices for psychology students looking to boost their grades and deepen their knowledge of psychology.

Pioneers of Psychology

Pioneers of psychologyW.W. Norton & Company
Anyone who thinks history is boring should definitely read Raymond E. Fancher's engaging look at the history of psychology, from its philosophical beginnings to the modern day. As this text proves, psychology books devoted to the history of the field need not be dry or dull. The book offers a very human view of some of the great thinkers that have influenced psychology, including Descartes, Locke, Darwin, Freud and Skinner.
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The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

APA publication manualImage courtesy Pricegrabber
When it comes to psychology books, there are a few texts that you should absolutely purchase. The APA style manual is a must-have for any psychology student. Get this book early on in your academic career and keep it on hand to consult as you write research papers, literature reviews, lab reports and other writing assignments.
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How to Think Straight About Psychology

thinking straight about psychologyPrentice Hall
Keith E. Stanovich's How to Think Straight About Psychology serves as a nice complement to any research methods course. Learn more about the critical thinking skills and how to identify pseudoscience. Explore other topics in psychology as well such as experimental control, correlational studies and experimental studies.
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The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

the man who mistook his wife for a hatPaw Prints
This book from neurologist Oliver Sacks is a great read for both psychology students and a general interest audience. The author explores clinical stories of patients who suffer from neurological disorders, offering an engaging and thoughtful look at neurological problems. While some psychology books are targeted toward an audience with an extensive background in the topic, this book can be easily enjoyed by anyone new to psychology.
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The Psychology Major's Handbook

psychology major's handbookWadsworth Pub Co
Tara L. Kuther, About.com's Guide to Graduate School, offers some excellent tips for students in this handy psychology book. Learn about some of the many reasons to major in psychology, find great tips for academic success and learn more about some of the careers available to psychology majors.
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Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You

career paths in psychologyAmerican Psychological Association
Have you ever wondered exactly what you can do with a psychology degree? Psychology is a broad and diverse subject, so there is considerable variety in the type of careers that psychology students can pursue. This comprehensive overview from psychologist Robert Sternberg offers an excellent look at some of the career options available to students as well as professionals who are considering a career change. Explore some of your choices and think about how you can achieve your academic goals.
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Getting In: A Step-by-Step Plan

gaining admission to graduate schoolAmerican Psychological Association
If you are thinking of studying psychology at the graduate level, then this guide from the American Psychological Association is a must-have for your growing collection of psychology books. Each step of the admission process is broken down into easy-to-follow segments, and hand timetables make it simple to track your progress.
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Cracking the GRE Psychology Subject Test

cracking the gre subject testRandom House Inc
In order to get into a psychology graduate program, you will most likely need to take the GRE subject test in psychology. Prepare yourself for the test with this test prep book, which offers a quick review aimed at refreshing your knowledge of various topics within psychology.
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